

PMID: 38301074


Without adequate source control, management of infections in patients with obstructive cancers becomes increasingly difficult owing to drug intolerances, barriers to using oral medications, and the development of increasingly drug-resistant pathogens. Benefits of antimicrobials become less clear in incurable infections, especially when continuation of therapy is at the detriment of other patient goals. It can be helpful to present general care pathways at the end of life, such as (1) proceeding with interventions aimed at prolonging life to the greatest extent possible; (2) continuing the current level of medical support without further escalating treatments in the setting of clinical decline; or (3) transitioning to an exclusively comfort-focused approach, adding treatments to promote comfort and discontinuing extraneous interventions that do not directly contribute to comfort. A time-limited trial of antimicrobials may be used in any of these 3 scenarios, with predetermined, objective markers that would indicate progress or improvement within an agreed-upon time frame.

「十分な感染源管理が行われなければ、薬剤不耐性や経口薬使用の障害、薬剤耐性病原体の増加により、閉塞性がん患者の感染症管理はますます困難になる。 難治性の感染症では抗菌薬の利点はあまり明らかではなく、特に治療の継続が他の患者の目標を犠牲にする場合にはなおさらである。 終末期における一般的なケア経路を提示することは有用である。




